“Each year, approximately 10,000 people are released from South Carolina prisons. Research shows that individuals who have employable skills or a job waiting for them are significantly more likely to succeed outside of prison.”

REEMERGE is a 12 month reintegration program committed to helping formerly incarcerated citizens manage the reintegration process. We assist clients with employment options, identification, expungements, and basic job readiness skills. We also utilize coaching, training, and entrepreneurship sessions to help participants earn a living wage or attain business ownership.
REEMERGE staff coordinates all job placement and work experience. The work experience will be with a licensed and certified contractor. Clients who are interested and meet our selection criteria may participate in our tailored Kauffman FastTrac® business courses. Each session equips you with the fundamental tools to create, launch, and successfully operate a small business. REEMERGE coaches each participant throughout the completion of their courses and will continue to work with individuals during their first year as a Reemerge participant.
REEMERGE makes no claim or guarantee that the completion of this program will automatically qualify participants for continued employment with their assigned employer.

Job placement.
A job that pays a livable wage;
A job in the construction industry or a similar field;
A higher quality of life and versatility of skills;
Credentials (certification or licensure) that are recognized nationally and often globally;
The opportunity for college credit and future degrees
Be at least 18 years of age.
Be able to solve mathematical problems at an
eighth (8th) grade level.
Be able to successfully complete the entrance exam.
Be drug and alcohol free.
Be unemployed or underemployed.
Be able to adhere to a strict attendance policy.
Be able to lift 50 lbs.
Be willing to work outdoors in all types of weather.
Be able attend orientation and Fast Trac© Training sessions.

Skilled workers trained to industry / employer specifications;
A pipeline for new, skilled workers;
Reduced turnover;
Reduced worker compensation costs due to an emphasis on safety training;
Work Opportunity Tax Credits

To further encourage the development of apprenticeship programs, South Carolina provides a Work Opportunity Tax Credit, where employers can take advantage of a 40% tax credit against first-year qualifying wages paid for new hires.
In addition, as part of the Apprenticeship South Carolina program, employers who create apprenticeships are eligible for SC Apprenticeship Initiative Grants, making them eligible for a $1,000 tax credit per year for up to four (4) years.

Sheriff Leon Lott,
Richland County Sheriff’s Department
Rev. Edward H. McDowell, Jr.,
Columbia City Councilman, District II
Representative Leon Howard,
SC House of Representatives
Marjorie Hammock, MSW,
Retired, Chief of Social Work for SCDC
Gilbert Walker,
Executive Director, Columbia Housing Authority
Vince Ford,
Community Health Services
Ron Rhames, Ph.D.,
President of Midlands Technical College
J. Michael Daniels II,
Manager, SCSEP Programs
Goodwill Industries
Jim Manning,
Richland County Councilman, District 8
Cliff Wilson,
President & CEO, The Centric Group, LLC
William Edmonds,
VP, MB Kahn Construction
Barbara Rackes,
CEO, The Rackes Group
WJ Milton,
CEO, W.J. Milton Heating & A/C Company, LLC
Dawn Sloan
Retired, Director of Expungement
5th Judicial Circuit Solicitor’s Office
Jan E. Merling
Retired, Public Health Educator
This project is funded by a grant from
the U.S. Department of Commerce,
Minority Business Development Agency